The Priest & the Prof is a conversation about faith, culture, and what it means to be a progressive Christian in the 21st century – without all the fire and brimstone.
New episodes posted every two weeks at 9:00pm on Thursday nights.
Episode 15 – Mary Magdalene
Rev. Deborah Duguid-May and Dr. M. Elizabeth Thorpe discuss Mary Magdalene and how narratives about women are often obscured by those in power.
Episode 14 – Checking In
Rev. Deborah Duguid-May and Dr. M. Elizabeth Thorpe discuss events from their local community and their reactions.
Episode 13 – Budde and the Sin of Empathy
Rev. Deborah Duguid-May and Dr. M. Elizabeth Thorpe discuss the controversy surrounding Bishiop Mariann Budde’s sermon delivered to President Donald Trump the day after his second inauguration.
Episode 12 – Christian Nationalism
In this episode Rev. Deborah Duguid-May and Dr. M. Elizabeth Thorpe define Christian Nationalism.
Episode 11 – Brief Intermission
We are taking one week off of production.
Episode 10 – The Body
Rev. Deborah Duguid-May and Dr. M. Elizabeth Thorpe discuss their attitudes towards the physical body.
Episode 9 – Language
Rev. Deborah and Elizabeth discuss how they approach language and the challenges of translation and interpretation.
Episode 8 – Post Election
Rev. Deborah and Dr. Thorpe work through their feelings about the election and discuss differing perspectives.
Episode 7 – LGBTQIA+ and the Church
Rev. Deborah Duguid-May and Dr. M. Elizabeth Thorpe talk about the relationship (and tension) between the Queer community and the Christian community.
Episode 6: Election Note
Dr. M. Elizabeth Thorpe shared a brief note about the election.